Renting His Heart Read online

Page 6

  “Should I be excited or worried?” Chloe pulled out two twenty-dollar bills and dropped them on the table as she stood to leave. “Dinner is on me tonight. I didn’t have a chance to get you a gift yet, so this can be it until I find something else.”

  Lacey jumped up and pulled Chloe into a hug. “Having you here is a pretty amazing gift. I can’t believe you flew all the way here from France.”

  “I wouldn’t miss your wedding.” Chloe walked outside and shivered. “Wow, it got chilly fast.”

  “That happens in Idaho.” Lacey pointed up. “And check out what else happens here. Have you ever seen a night sky like that before? It’s better out at the hotel, but this is still amazing.”

  Chloe’s eyes widened. “Holy cow. I figured all my science books were lying when they showed all those stars. Who knew?”

  They climbed into the car and Lacey pointed out some of the sights on the way back to the hotel. They only passed a few cars on the dark roads, and it surprised Chloe how at ease she felt here. It was much more slow-paced than the life she lived. Not that she did much outside of work, but she’d go to movies or concerts. As far as she could tell, there were no movie theaters anywhere in this town, and concert halls seemed to be missing as well.

  The hotel was brightly lit when they arrived and climbed out of the car. Chloe held back to talk to Austin, but Lacey turned to them.

  “Are you coming? We need to get the dress fitted before my mom falls asleep at the sewing machine again.”

  Chloe held in a sigh. This was what she was here in Idaho for—her cousin’s wedding. Austin and the drama there could wait a bit. She followed Chloe into one of the conference rooms and was instantly bombarded with baby blue everything. Dresses, ties for the men, and flowers for the corsages. Lacey’s mom waved from the corner where she sat with a sewing machine.

  She pulled several pins from her mouth and smiled. “I was wondering when I’d see you, Chloe. I’ve been stuck in here the whole time, but word is out that you’re married?”

  “Yep.” She held up her hand to show off the ring that was now a grayish black. Nervous didn’t even begin to describe her feelings. Someone was going to figure out something was up. Besides Mike. “How are you, Aunt Carol?”

  “Covered in thread.” She laughed. “Your dress is on the rack over there with your name on it. Step behind that sheet to change and then let’s see if we need to fix anything.”

  Chloe nodded and sorted through the dresses to find hers. It was her aunt who had taught Chloe to love sewing. Lacey and Chloe had taken lessons during the summers, insisting that someday they would make clothes for their little girls. Lacey had grown bored of it, but Chloe had begun designing her own clothes and then went from there.

  She stopped in awe. This dress was different than the others. Most were form fitting with lace, but hers was more of an empire waist with long flowing sleeves. Chloe blinked back the tears. Aunt Carol had remembered. So many stories of princess weddings in castles. She looked around for Lacey’s dress and drew in a breath. It was the same style as Chloe’s but in white satin. The embroidery on the bust was exquisite—Carol’s specialty—but otherwise they were almost identical.

  Lacey leaned her chin on Chloe’s shoulder. “She’s good isn’t she?”

  “Wow.” Chloe turned and hugged her cousin. “Now I’m really glad I insisted that you have the wedding inside. The ballroom is perfect.”

  “Outside would have worked, but this is so much better.” Lacey nudged Chloe. “Now, go try it on.”

  Chloe nodded and took her dress behind the sheet. The fine material was much different from the T-shirt and jeans she’d been wearing, but it felt right. Well, not perfect. She’d grown a little since high school, so the sleeves, shoulders, and bust would need a little adjusting, but otherwise it was perfect. She came out from behind the sheet.

  “Ta-da!” She grinned and turned in a slow circle. “How do I look?”

  “Like Austin won’t know what hit him.” Lacey grinned.

  Carol pulled out the pins and marked where she needed to adjust the dress. “Austin?”

  “Mom. Austin. Like, Mike’s best friend Austin.”

  Chloe yelped as one of the pins went into her skin when Carol gasped. “Uh, Maybe I’ll go change while Lacey explains the rest.”

  “Yes, do that. I’m finished marking anyway.” Carol pulled her in for a hug. “I had no idea it was him. That’s so exciting.”

  While Lacey told the fake wedding story, Chloe changed and hid behind the curtain. The story seemed to grow a little more each time it was told, but she didn’t have the heart to change any of it. Chloe handed the dress to Carol. “If you need me, I’ll be talking to my mom.”

  “Oh, great. Hey, will you take one of those ties to Austin? He’ll need that in the morning.” Carol sat down with Chloe’s dress and went back to work.

  “Sure. If you need any more help, let me know.” Chloe grabbed one of the identical blue ties and escaped the room before she spilled the beans to Lacey about what was actually happening.

  Chloe found Austin sitting in the lobby reading a magazine. She was tempted to keep walking, but she did need to give him his tie, and they had to talk before the wedding. Austin looked up and smiled as she approached.

  “Oh, hey. I wondered how much longer it was going to take. He stood and dropped the magazine on the coffee table. “Your mom has arranged a room for us at the ranch. Apparently Mike’s family is over there too. With the two events going on, they filled up fast and moved a few of us over there.”

  “Uh, okay.” Right. The room. Last night had been so fuzzy from lack of sleep, and then her mom had whisked her away because she’d had no idea that Chloe had just gotten married. And now … this. “I guess I should go get my stuff then.”

  “Want help?” Austin’s eyes searched hers.

  She shook her head. “I’ll just be a second.”

  Chloe ran up to the room her family shared and quickly packed everything up and ran her phone flashlight around the room to make sure she hadn’t left anything. Not that she’d spent much time in here anyway. She lugged her bags down the stairs where Austin stood talking to Rachel at the front desk.

  “I was just apologizing to Austin about the inconvenience of moving. We don’t usually sell out like this.” Rachel blushed.

  “It’s okay. We kinda messed up the room arrangements with our little surprise, so heading over there works out just fine. Besides, Austin’s been drooling over the ranch since we got here, so now he can see it firsthand.” Chloe nudged Austin with her elbow.

  Rachel raised her eyebrows. “Really? Do you own a ranch back home?”

  “Nope. I own an accounting firm that my grandpa started. I was only joking that I’d love to own my own ranch when I first said it, but being here has made me want one even more. Too bad I have no clue how to run one.”

  “Well, you came to the right place.” Rachel grinned. “Born and raised on a ranch, and I still work there when I have a little quiet time here at the hotel.”

  Austin leaned against the desk. “Dallin told me there might be land out here somewhere that’s available. Know anything about it?”

  “Actually, I do. My friend Thomas started work on some farmland to the southwest of here, and they had to bring in power, water, and everything else just so he could have it. The land around him is also for sale. I’m not sure about water rights, though.”

  “And I assume that’s important?” Austin asked.

  Rachel laughed. “Yes. It’s important. I can always ask my dad if you’d like.”

  Austin glanced at Chloe before nodding. “That would be great. Although I guess I could ask while I’m there.”

  “If you can find him. He doesn’t sit still much during the summer.”

  Chloe yawned. “I’m sorry. I’m about to fall asleep standing up and tomorrow’s the big day. Can we talk about this then?”

  “Oh! Of course. Sorry for keeping you. Just head in the front
door and my mom will take good care of you.”

  Austin and Chloe left with their bags and he set them in the trunk while Chloe climbed into the front. The cold breeze felt good on her skin as she leaned back and closed her eyes.

  “How’d the dress fitting go?” Austin started the car.

  “Good. Oh, I have your tie in my bags. I was going to give it to you earlier, but I forgot.” Chloe shivered. “I don’t suppose this has a top?”

  Austin pulled over to the side of the road and pushed a few buttons before the hood finally released. “There we go. After the heat all day, it’s so strange to have it this cool at night.”

  “It surprised me too.” Chloe rolled up her window and rubbed her arms. “So, do you really want to have a ranch here?”

  There was silence in the car for a moment as Austin turned the corner. “I don’t know. I figure we—I—could always look. I don’t really have anything back in Cape Cod that’s keeping me there except Grandpa’s business, and truth be told, I’d love to sell it.”

  “Seriously? I thought you loved that job.” Chloe turned so she could see his face better.

  “I did. But things have been hard lately. The rent that had been grandfathered in years ago suddenly got raised, so that took a good chunk of last year’s revenue. And a few of the investors don’t exactly like my new status in the media.” He cleared his throat.

  Chloe smirked. “You seem to love to use it to get your way.”

  “Not really. But when you have it, you should use it right?” Austin sighed. “To be honest, I’ve really only ever done that this weekend. It was more of a joke, and when it worked, I ran with it. Gets things done faster.”

  “I noticed.” Chloe twisted her finger on her ring. “Did you hear back from your dad yet?”

  “Nope.” Austin pulled into the ranch “It’s the weekend. My grandma is most likely off at a social function and won’t care to check her mail until Monday.”

  Chloe climbed out of the car and went to grab her bags. The porch lights were on when they walked up the steps and knocked. Rachel had said they could just walk in, but Chloe didn’t want to intrude. A woman that looked a lot like Rachel opened the door far enough to let them in.

  “You must be Chloe and Austin. You’ll have a room upstairs next to Mike. Your brother I believe?” Angela led them toward a staircase and up to the next floor.

  “Yes, he’s my brother.” Chloe stepped into a room with a queen bed, and a small bathroom off to the side. It was modestly decorated with pictures of the ranch on the walls. “This is nice.”

  “Thanks. We redecorated after having a few other guests stay here in the past.” Angela gestured to the closet. “Feel free to use any of the space. Hang your clothes in there and if you need an iron, just let me know.”

  Chloe nodded and set her bags down in the corner. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Breakfast is at six, but if you’d like to sleep in, we can make something a little later. And if you hear the bell, ignore it. We just have to wake the ranch hands to get to work.” Angela backed toward the door. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  Chloe nodded and sat on the bed, her hands folded on her lap. As soon as Angela left, she jumped up and went to the closet and breathed a sigh of relief when she found blankets on the shelf. She laid them out in the corner. “You get the floor?”

  Austin nodded. “Sounds fair. We just have to make sure no one sees the bed on the floor or they’ll think something is up.”

  “Then I guess we get up with the bell in the morning.”

  Austin could see the light from the sun peeking through the curtains. He’d been up for a while now, waiting for the bell to ring so he could get out of bed. Chloe lightly snored in the bed just a few feet away. She would probably die of embarrassment if she knew that he could hear her.

  The wedding was that day, and it felt like he’d already been here for an eternity. Lacey had changed a lot since she’d move, and he barely recognized her anymore—except when she laughed. It filled the room, like Chloe’s did.

  Austin rolled over and started his pushups. Since he was already up, he might as well get his workout done so he could shower before Chloe needed it.

  He still couldn’t believe Lacey and Chloe were cousins. Why hadn’t Mike ever said anything? But then, when would it have come up? They were friends, and then she moved. Austin switched to squats and was at a hundred when the bell finally rang for the everyone to wake up. He folded up the blankets and set them in a corner, then grabbed a change of clothes and went in to shower.

  By the time he came out, Chloe was up and changed. She’d pulled her hair into a braid and wore a sundress and a cardigan. “How’d you sleep?”

  Austin set his laundry in his bag. “I didn’t sleep much. My brain was too wired, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry. Maybe we can switch off tonight.” Chloe pulled out a jewelry box and sorted through it. “Dang. I left the earrings I wanted at home.”

  “We don’t need to switch. I’ll be fine.” Austin sat next to her on the bed and sifted through the earrings she’d dumped out. “What color is your dress?”

  “Baby blue.” She frowned. “Nothing really matches.”

  Austin snorted. “Baby blue? What’s that?”

  Chloe pointed to one of the flowers on the bedspread. “That’s baby blue.”

  “Ah.” Austin pulled out two diamond earrings. “These work. And then you can use this necklace with it.”

  Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Since when did you know about jewelry?”

  “Since I took on a jeweler as a client. We had to have them do inventory on everything and while he worked, I asked questions. You know, to help with the ladies.”

  Chloe elbowed him, and he grunted. “You and your ladies. How often did you actually buy them jewelry?”

  “Well, besides your amazing wedding ring—”

  “That I actually bought,” she pointed out.

  Austin blinked. “Right. I owe you for both of them. Anyway, I guess that makes . . . zero. Still. I know how to find the best cut, and I know what works with different colors and styles.”

  Chloe snorted. “Sure. But since diamonds tend to go with everything, I’ll agree to let you pick them out. This time.”

  “Fair enough.” Austin stood. “Now, about that breakfast.”

  “Oh. Right. Then I need to run back to the hotel. I have to start getting ready.” Chloe scooped the rest of the jewelry back into the box and set it on the side table.

  Austin took Chloe’s hand as they took the stairs down into the kitchen. Talking and laughter came from another room, so Austin followed the noise.

  A long row of tables ran along the center of the room, filled with guests and ranch hands eating their breakfast. Another set of tables sat in the corner filled with various breakfast items. Austin took a plate and filled it with eggs, sausage, toast, and a couple of pancakes. He found a spot where there were two seats together and sat down. Chloe joined him and sat down.

  “Now this is what I call the perfect breakfast.” She took a bite of her bacon and closed her eyes. “Cooked to perfection.”

  “That’s just what Angela does here.” One of the ranchers grinned and took a drink of his orange juice. “I’m Thomas by the way. This is Justin, that’s Lance.”

  Austin reached across the table to shake hands. “Thomas. I don’t suppose you’re the one who bought the land that they had to develop?”

  Thomas laughed. “Wow, word really does get around here. Yes, that’s me.”

  “Rachel told me about you. I was asking questions about possible plots of land for sale and she mentioned there might be some near your new house.” Austin took a bite of his toast.

  “Yes, there is, but a lot of developing still needs to happen on it. Why? You’re not going to come in and put an office building there, are you?” He leaned forward. “It’s farther out in the middle of nowhere than this place is. No one would travel there to see you.”
br />   Austin laughed. “No. I’m actually looking at land for a ranch. I want to get away from everything and start over.”

  “Ah. Well, then I’ll tell you a little more about it. There’s about thirty acres available, water rights are up for grabs, but you’ll have to buy them with the land. Oh, and you’re stuck with Mandy and I for neighbors, so there’s that.” He grinned and stood. “Better go. There are a bunch of cows who want to see me.”

  Chloe froze. “Mandy. As in the one who owns the dress shop?”

  “That’s the one.” Thomas tipped his head. “You know her?”

  “No, but I know her work. I’m a designer as well.”

  Thomas pulled a card out of his wallet. “Here. You should give her a call. She could use another designer to talk to right now.”

  “Thank you.” Chloe stared at the card in her hand before putting it in her pocket.

  Austin could see the instant change in her mood. Apparently she needed another designer to talk to as well. They finished their breakfast and put their dishes in the basket by the breakfast table. “You want to head over to the hotel now?”

  “Yep. My dress is there, and I should see if Lacey needs anything.” Chloe took the steps two at a time and went to their room.

  Austin pulled his tux out of the closet and cringed. “I think I need to take Angela up on the iron. Although, a steamer would be better.”

  “If she doesn’t have one, my aunt Carol will. She has everything.” Chloe picked up her makeup bag, and a change of clothes and put them into her smaller bag. “Ready?”

  “Yep.” Austin took her bag from her and set it on the bed before taking her into his arms. “There’s going to be a lot of hugging and congratulating today. You sure you’re ready for this?”

  Chloe nodded. “I’m just going to smile, thank them, and then guide the attention back to Lacey where it belongs.”

  Austin kissed her forehead before he realized what he was doing. He lowered his gaze to her eyes and then to her lips. He caressed her cheek and leaned down to brush his lips against hers. She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. When he pulled away, he missed her instantly, and her eyes had the same dazed look that he was feeling.